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Try Xsquash
Tutorial "Working with Squash and Jira"

Enter Squash instance by clicking here and log in:

  • login: Xsquash4Jira

  • password: P@ssw0rd!456

Enter Jira instance by clicking here and log in:


A team working on Agile projects is composed of different members (a product owner, a scrum master, programmers and testers):

  • The product owner creates User stories, which are in fact, descriptions of the functionalities to develop. Pending User stories remain in the backlog.

  • The scrum master then creates a sprint and transfers User stories in it. A sprint is a short period of time during which the Agile team will design, develop and test User stories in order to get a 'reliable' product increment.

Thanks to Xsquash, all these steps can now be performed by the different contributors in Jira or Squash.

STEP 1 – In Jira: creation of user story, sub-task and sprint

STEP 1 – In Jira: creation of user story, sub-task and sprint

Context: The product owner will create user stories from Jira, in the backlog. The product owner will then create a new sprint and transfer user stories from the backlog to the new sprint.

How to create a backlog, user stories and a sprint  in Jira that will be synchronized in Squash Test Management

1.1.       Open Jira: click here

1.2.      Login with these data: Login: / Password: P@ssw0rd!456

1.3.      Access to the «  Xsquash Sandbox » project

  • Top menu, click on [Projects]

  • Drop-down menu, click on [Xsquash Sandbox]

1.4.      Create an issue "Story" in this project

  • Top menu, click on [Create]

  • Issue Type, keep the selected choice "Story"

  • Specify at least the "Summary" field

  • Click on [Create]


1.5.      Access the created issue card and create a sub-task

  • Issue tabs menu, click on « More »

  • Drop-down menu, click on [Create a sub-task]

  • Specify at least the "Summary" field

  • Click on [Create]


1.6.      Go back in the backlog

  • Left navigation bar, first tab called « Backlog »


1.7.      Create a new sprint in “Xsquash Sandbox Board” and drag-and-drop the "Story" issue in this sprint

  • Scroll the page down until you access the backlog section

  • Click on the button [Create a sprint] on the right

  • Move an issue from the backlog into your sprint, thanks to a "drag-and-drop" command


You should get the following result:

     (A) A sprint
     (B) A story issue type
     (C) Link to access the optional sub-tasks linked to the issue

STEP 2 – In Squash TM: management of the requirement synchronized to a Jira user story

STEP 2 – In Squash TM: management of the requirement synchronized to a Jira user story

Context: Elements created by the Product Owner and the Scrum Master in Jira are displayed in Squash TM. A new folder appears in the workspace, each folder being a sprint created by the Scrum Master. The user stories created by the Product Owner are displayed as synchronized requirements. They will be then used as a baseline for test designing by the testing team.


2.1.     Open Squash

 Login with these data: Login: Xsquash          Password: password

2.2.      Access the Requirements workspace

2.3.      Access the " 04- Xsquash – Sandbox”  project

2.4.      Access the synchronized folder called "Sandbox - Scrum Board"

⇒ In this synchronized folder, you can note the different elements created in Jira have been synchronized in Squash:

    (A) Sprint: a new folder with the name of the sprint created during step 1
    (B) “Story” Issue: in this folder, a requirement synchronized with the reference and name used in Jira, as well as the URL link to Jira ticket and the synchronization status

STEP 3 – In Squash TM: creation and association of a test case with the synchronized issue

STEP 3 – In Squash TM: creation and association of a test case with the synchronized issue

Context: The testing team will be able to keep designing the tasks by creating test cases and by linking them to Jira user stories, in order to ensure all requirements are covered.


3.1.      Access the test cases workspace

3.2.      Create one or several test cases

3.3.      Link them to a synchronized requirement from the "Story" issue created during step 1

3.4.      Change status for at least one test case into "Under review" or "Approved"

STEP 4 – In Jira: monitoring of test conception progression

STEP 4 – In Jira: monitoring of test conception progression

Context: The Product Owner, Scrum Master and developers will be able to follow up the testing team designing progression for each Jira issue, thanks to several indicators and a test case board linked to the Jira issue.

In Jira, product owner, scrum master and developers follow the Squash test process with monitoring tools

Access the "Story" issue card created during step 1.

⇒  The data about the test cases linked to the issue are displayed:

(A) A first overall indicator: go to More information to learn which are these indicators

(B) "Redaction ratio" field

(C) "Squash TM Test Cases" tab listing all the tests cases linked to the issue and their details

STEP 5 – In Squash TM: automatic creation of a test plan from a sprint created in Jira

STEP 5 – In Squash TM: automatic creation of a test plan from a sprint created in Jira

Context: In Squash TM, the test plan designing is made easier and allows the testing team to identify each test case to execute, according to their release, sprint or Jira JQL query.


​5.1.      Access the Campaign workspace

5.2.     Select the " Xsquash4Jira - Sandbox " project on the left, and click on a campaign or an iteration

5.3.     Click on the star tab, then click on "Xsquash4Jira Execution Plan Designer"

5.4.     Follow the different steps detailed by this wizard:

a.      Action: "Create a new iteration in the selected campaign"

b.      Jira tickets source: select "In Sprints"

c.      Boards selection:

- Boards: select "Jira boards related to 'name of the Jira project'"
- Sprint criteria: select "Name of the sprint contains" and specify the name of the sprint created during step 

d.      Sprints selection: do not uncheck the selected sprint

e.      Tickets selection: do not uncheck the selected ticket(s)

f.      Case test selection:  do not uncheck the selected test cases

g.      Create the iteration: specify at least the "Name" field

Your test plan has been automatically created thanks to the selected elements in the creation wizard

5.5.     Execute at least one test case from the execution plan

STEP 6 – In Jira: monitoring of test execution progression

STEP 6 – In Jira: monitoring of test execution progression

Context: The Product Owner, Scrum Master and developers will be able to follow up the testing team designing progression for each Jira issue, thanks to several indicators and a test case board linked to the Jira issue.

Follow-up of the progress of the test execution phase in Squash on each Jira ticket with indicators and tables

Access the "Story" issue form created during step 1.
⇒ The data about the issue related test cases are displayed:
(A) A first overall indicator: go to More information to learn which are these indicators
(B) "Verification ratio" field
(C) "Validation ratio" field
(D)"Squash TM Executions" tab

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