Why choose Squash ?
Squash, the ultimate testing tool
Designed with testers in mind, Squash is the ideal application for professionally designing and managing functional tests. What's more, it integrates with most of your development team's tools for efficient, real-time information sharing. And to ensure that Squash always performs as well as you expect, we take into account feedback from our customers, as well as from our 250 test consultants who use it on a daily basis.
Squash, a software for every profile
Whether you're working in an agile or V-cycle environment, whether you're in the build or run phase, whether your project is small or large, whether your testers are beginners or experts, Squash has been designed to adapt to all contexts. While Squash can be customized for those who wish to do so, its default settings are highly intuitive: with Squash, it's hard to make mistakes or forget anything!
Squash, an easy-to-use tool
We've developed a software program that's ergonomic, intuitive and visual, for efficient test management. Squash lets you easily organize your assets into folders, navigate smoothly through the application and carry out your actions in just a few clicks: we're proud to have created a user experience-oriented testing software.
Squash, a multi-level testing tool
With Squash, depending on your level of maturity, you can choose how far you want to go in your testing: from manual test management through automated test management to integration in CI/CD pipelines.