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Xsquash is now compatible with Jira Cloud!

Updated: Jun 18, 2021

Xsquash Cloud est une application qui permet de synchroniser des informations depuis Jira Cloud vers Squash

The Xsquash suite allows you to interface Squash with Jira to automatically transmit information from one tool to another and work in Agile mode. At the heart of Squash, the "Xsquash4Jira" plugin enables the synchronization of Jira User Stories with Squash requirements. On the Jira side, "Xsquash" allows users to follow directly in Jira User Stories the testing work progress as it happens in Squash. This tool is available since 2018 as a plugin and can be downloaded for free on the Atlassian Marketplace in a version compatible for Jira Server:

This service is now also available for the Jira Cloud platform. Optimized for the Jira Cloud environment, Xsquash is now available as an application hosted by Henix. Xsquash Cloud allows Jira users with a Squash license to retrieve in Jira the writing progress of the test cases covering their User Stories as well as the executions of these test cases.

Discover in pictures the features of Xsquash Cloud:

o Multi-server synchronization configuration:

Xsquash Cloud allows an administrator to declare several synchronization servers from different Squash instances.

Xsquash Cloud allows to declare several synchronization servers associated to different Squash instances

o Unit configuration per project:

Xsquash Cloud can be configured individually per project from the project settings. It is possible to select a synchronization server from server the list and change the names of the tabs that retrieve data from test cases and executions.

The configuration of Xsquash Cloud can be done individually at the scale of a Jira project from its settings page

o Displaying an Xsquash block on tickets:

An Xsquash block is displayed under the Description block of every ticket of your Jira project. It consists of 2 tabs: - The "Squash TM test cases" tab lists is a detailed index of all test cases covering the synchronized requirement of the ticket. - The "Squash TM executions" tab lists all executions of these test cases.

An Xsquash block appears in Jira to give details of test cases covering the synchronized requirement of the issue

o The Squash TM Test Cases tab in detail:

The "Squash TM Test Cases" tab allows you to view the following data for each test case: - Attributes - Description - Prerequisite - Data Sets - Test Steps - Status of the last execution From this tab, it is also possible to access the test case consultation page in Squash.

With Xsquash Cloud, see the details of the elements that make up each Squash test case in Jira

o The Squash TM Executions tab in detail:

The "Squash TM Executions" tab allows you to view the following data for each executed test case: - Attributes - Data Sets - Comments - Test Steps - Execution Status From this tab, it is also possible to access consultation pages of Squash iterations, test cases and executions.

The Squash TM Executions tab allows to consult, in Jira, the data of each previously executed test case


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