Squash TM 1.18.0.new release is available for download.
This version contains new features such as:
Writing test cases with Gherkin language: in order to do Behavior Driven Testing and to export test cases to Cucumber format
Reports in dashboards: it is now possible to add reports in customized dashboards, these reports will have permanent perimeter, regardless of the selection in the library
Propagation of project template modifications to linked projects: modifications of attributes of a project template will be spread to projects linked to this template
Downloading log file from the administration workspace: log file can now be downloaded from the administration workspace
Performance improvement in the Management workspace
New API features: requirements, steps, projects, users and more are now managed
Storage of attachments in an external repository: attachments can be stored outside of the Squash TM database, in an external folder
OAuth 1a protocol for Jira: Squash-Jira communication can be done through an OAuth 1a protocol
Execution Plan Wizard (licence commerciale): it is now possible to create execution plans with as a criteria, attributes of issues linked to test cases (it only work with Jira)
SquashBT.Jira connector (licence commerciale): use of markdown Jira for the layout of reported Jira issues
Connection history: it is now possible to see and export the connection history from the administration workspace
SAML connector (licence commerciale): authentication delegated to SSO SAML 2
TM-TA link:
Custom fields for tests suites in TM-TA interface
Job selection in TM-TA multi-repository
And smaller enhancements as well as numerous corrections within the whole application.