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The new features of Squash 1.22 in detail

The version 1.22.1 of Squash TM was released in January 2021, it offers in particular a Rest API dedicated to administration features, a Rest API included in the Xsquash4Jira plugin, but also new features allowing a simplified and intuitive writing of test cases in BDD format for their automation. Discover them in pictures :

Les nouveautés de Squash 1.22 incluses dans le module Squash TM sont deux API Rest (une pour l'administration, une pour Xsquash)

✓ Administration API*

Squash functional administration features are now available in a dedicated Rest API.

✓ Xsquash4Jira

It is now possible to configure the Xsquash4Jira plugin through an API Rest included in the Xsquash4Jira plugin (requires the API Administration plugin).

✓ Xsquash (Server and Cloud)

The latest version of Xsquash supports the display of test cases in BDD format..

Grâce à Xsquash, retrouvez l'affichage des cas de test au format BDD dans Jira

Test automation status and data set names have also been added to the "Squash TM Test Cases" and "Squash TM Executions" tabs, respectively.

Management of test cases in BDD format

This new test case format allows the user to formalize scenarios using a simple and intuitive interface.

The BDD test cases format are characterized by their test steps based on Gherkin syntax and are composed of a keyword followed by an action.

Les actions de vos pas de test peuvent désormais être enregistrées dans Squash et s'insère dans la syntaxe Gherkin

When writing the test steps, the user is suggested actions already used in other test cases and which correspond to what he has entered**. The actions can therefore be reused and shared between test cases from different projects, thus facilitating their writing and maintenance.

Squash vous propose des suggestions pour vous permettre de réutiliser des actions incluses dans vos autres projets

The actions can contain variable parts which will be valued within the test steps by free values or by the parameters of the test case which can then be declined in data sets.

Des parties variables peuvent être contenues au sein des pas de test (valeurs libres ou paramètres du cas de test)

BDD test steps can also contain data tables, docstrings and comments.

✓ Action word library workspace**

This new workspace, accessible via a plugin, allows to visualize and manage all the actions present in a BDD test case, in order to build a coherent repository based on a common vocabulary. From this workspace, it is possible to consult the test cases using an action and the information related to its implementation.

L'espace Biblithèque d'actions permet de gérer ou consulter le contenu d'un cas de test BDD rédigé dans Squash

The features of this workspace are available in a Rest API which is included in the Action Library plugin**.

✓ Export of scripts associated with BDD test cases according to the target implementation

Scripts associated with BDD test cases can be exported or passed to the automation engineer via the Git plugin. Its format depends on the target implementation technology, set at the Squash project level. The choice of technology (Cucumber or Robot Framework) has no impact for the user when writing the test cases, Squash takes care of converting the script to the right format (.feature or .robot) by adding the elements specific to each language.

Squash convertit les scripts associés aux cas de test BDD au format .feature ou .robot

✓ Consultation of the automated suites

At the level of iterations and test suites, a new tab displays the history of the automated suites (set of automated tests launched at the same time).

For each automated suite, the user can view the overall execution status, the details of the tests executed and access the execution report for all the tests.

Un historique d'exécution des suites automatisées est désormais inclus au niveau des itérations de Squash

✓ Suite cleaning-up and automated executions

A new menu allows the administrator to bulk delete suites and automated executions prior to a time set at the level of each project.

Dans l'Administration de Squash, une icône vous permet désormais de supprimer des suites et exéctions automatisées

*These features are accessible via a plugin included in the Squash TM Premium license.

**These features are accessible via a plugin included in the Squash AUTOM Premium license.


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