The Management Workspace has been conceived in order to build up your reports such as charts and dashboards. They can be designed upon the different entities of Squash TM (requirements, test cases, campaigns, iterations, runs…) and their attributes (criticality, category, execution status, dates, custom fields…).
This article is a step-by-step guide to help you to design your own charts. To make it easier to understand, we’ll use the following example.
This case study aims to design a chart to compare the different execution status of test cases according to the criticality of linked requirements.
There are several steps to create a chart. You are led through these steps thanks to a chart creation wizard.
You access the chart creation wizard from the Management Workspace.
Step 1: Choose the perimeter
You can define your perimeter as follow:
a. Default perimeter: chart created from the current project items (Requirements, Test cases, Runs). In Squash, if a chart is to be moved or copied, the perimeter will adapt to the destination project
b. Project selection: chart created from one or several projects. In Squash, if a chart is to be moved or copied, the perimeter will adapt to the destination project
c. Custom selection: chart created from the pre-selected Requirements, Test cases, Runs from one or several projects. The objects considered to obtain the graph will be those related to all the objects selected at this step, regardless of whether they belong to a project
For our case study, we will choose « Default perimeter ».
Step 2: Choose entities and attributes
The objective is to compare the criticality of requirements with the execution status of linked test cases. Here are the entities we need:
a. “Requirement version” along with the attributes “Criticality” and “Requirement version ID” (so we can count all requirements through an operation. Cf. Step 4).
b. “Execution” along with the attribute “Execution status”.
Step 3: Choose filters
For this report, we wish to exclude the criticality “Undefined” from our comparison. To do so, select the filter “Criticality”, choose “In” in the drop-down menu, then select the 3 values “Critical”, “Major”, “Minor” (CTRL+clic).
This is the only filter to apply in this case study. There is no need to change the other attributes.
Step 4 : Choose operations
Depending on the chosen attributes, different operations will apply.
In this example, we will use the operations “Count” and “Aggregate”:
Count: to count all the objects selected via the scope and filters, corresponding to each Criticality and Execution Status value crossing
Aggregate: to gather entities depending on their attribute values.
Here is what we need to select:
For “Requirement version ID”, choose “Count” (all requirements have a different ID, so we will have as many values as there are requirements).
For “Criticality”, choose “Aggregate” (because there are 3 different degrees of criticality: "critical", "major" and "minor").
For “Execution status”, choose “Aggregate” (because there are 6 different status of execution: "running", "ready", "passed", "failure", "blocked" and "untestable").
Step 5 : Choose graph type
We aim to display a comparative chart, so first, we choose this option.
Then, we need to define the axis. The available values to define each axis depend on the type of graph, operations and previous axis selected beforehand.
In this case study:
Axis 1: choose “Criticality” (operation: Aggregate)
Axis 2: choose “Requirement version ID” (operation: Count)
Series: choose “Execution status” (operation: Aggregate)
Warning: for this type of graph, and for this type only, the small arrows that indicate whether we are talking about the horizontal or vertical axis are reversed.
Step 6 : Preview
We must add a name to the chart before saving. The addition of a title is mandatory. If you save it and nothing happens, remember to check that you have given the chart a title.
The chart will be displayed in the project in which it has been created:
If the graph is copied or moved in another project, the data would adjust according to the new project it has been moved in. This is only possible when choosing a default perimeter.
Using Dashboards in Workspaces
Dashboards, collections of custom charts, can be used in Requirements, Test Cases and Campaign Workspaces. They replace then default dashboards provided by SquashTM.
Whatever the perimeter defined during the creation of charts of the dashboard, it will be replaced by the option "Custom selection", and the selection will be the set of objects chosen from the library on the left. We remind you that in this mode, all the objects linked to selected objects constitute the perimeter.
A Requirement is linked to a Test Case when that Test Case verifies this Requirement.
A Test Case is linked to an Execution when this Test Case is run during that Execution.