Squash AUTOM and Squash DEVOPS 2022-07 are available, simplifying trouble shooting and documenting how to use BDD.
The Squash AUTOM and Squash DEVOPS 2022-07 delivery is available.
This release focuses on improving the logs and error messages, and their accessibility in order to facilitate trouble shooting, in particular for installation problems. The Jenkins plugin reports the orchestrator logs, this reporting can be configured as described here.
The release 2022-07 also contains enhancements for some test technologies:
Possible use of the java-param-library for retrieving the values of some Squash TM custom fields in Cucumber tests,
Results inclusion of Ranorex tests ran from a PEaC file have now their results included in the Allure report,
Squash TM custom fields containing special characters are properly provided to Robot Framework tests…
This release also reduces the memory consumption.
In order to simplify the setup of execution environments, two Docker images are now provided: one for Robot Framework, the other for Cucumber and JUnit.
The Squash AUTOM/DEVOPS documentation includes a new section: HowTos. Each HowTo aims at centralizing all the information necessary to perform a given task in Squash.
The two first HowTos are:
(They are currently available only in English. A French translation will be published later.) These HowTos document the whole process: from the configuration of Squash TM, to writing the test cases in Gherkin, automating and running them. They also contain some advice on how to perform these steps using good practices: writing Page Objects, how to implement the Gherkin steps…
As a reminder, new versions of Squash AUTOM and DEVOPS are delivered monthly (except in August). The 2022-09 delivery will continue the effort on performance improvements, mostly still reducing the memory footprint, and will offer a better support of some test technologies (SoapUI and JUnit).
Every AUTOM/DEVOPS delivery contains several components having each one their own version numbers. You can view them in the Release Notes by version.