The Squash AUTOM and Squash DEVOPS 2022-01 release is available.
It is a maintenance release fixing some bugs and including some small improvements:
more information and clearer messages in the logs
agent (used to connect a test environment to the orchestrator when ssh is not usable)
increased performance
possible disabling of certificate verification
support of private certificates
opentf-ctl (the tool used to control an orchestrator)
opentf-ctl get workflows displays more columns (ID, status, first timestamp, name)
opentf-ctl now supports get agents and delete agent commands to list and kill agents
As a reminder, new versions of Squash AUTOM and DEVOPS are released monthly (except in August). The 2022-02 version will add the support of Katalon and the possibility to use the Orchestrator as a simple quality gate in a CI/CD pipeline.
Every AUTOM/DEVOPS release contains several components having each one their own version numbers. You can view them on our Download page or in our Release Notes by version.