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Squash, ready for the "JFTL" 2019

Aktualisiert: 23. Dez. 2024

Henix représenté par une équipe dédiée à la présentation de Squash lors de Journée Française des Tests Logiciels 2018

After 10 years of conferences and meetings, the French Software Testing Day (JFTL) has become the major gathering of software testing professionals and quality of information systems in France.

That is why it makes sense for Squash to be present on stand # 14 all day long at the « Beffroi » of Montrouge, April the 9th, from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm.

The focus will be on the latest releases of open-source tools Squash TM (Test Management) and Squash TF (Test Factory). On our stand, you will be able to discuss with us about your needs and some practical cases about management of your test repository or implemention and execution of your automated test cases.


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