It was possible, in previous versions of Squash Orchestrator, to set the duration of the retention period of all workflows. But this mechanism was sometimes too limited, for example for teams wanting to keep the workflow information for one day except during the weekends where they wanted to extend the retention period up to three days.
This new release adds the support of retention policies, each one being defined by a scope, a retention period, and a weight.
Scopes define the workflows to which a policy applies, allowing, for example, to keep the failed workflows for a longer period, to lengthen the retention period during the weekends, to configure different policies depending on the namespace…
Weights are used when the total number of workflows is getting larger than the maximum number of storable workflows, in which case the oldest workflows having the smallest weight will be deleted.
The quality gate with thresholds introduced the previous month is now able to exploit Squash TM metadata: importance, nature, type, UUID… of a test case; iteration/test suite; custom fields and datasets… But only Squash TM version 6.0 (to be released this fall) will fully provide its metadata to Squash Orchestrator. Meanwhile, with the Squash TM versions currently available, only the test technology, the tags of the execution environment, and the name of the workflow job (when using Squash DEVOPS) can be used to define the scope of a quality gate rule. The details are available in the updated Squash DEVOPS documentation.
The opentf-ctl commands related to quality gates have been improved.
As usual, some logs have been clarified.
We initially planned to deliver a Premium services image consuming less memory. But we met some unexpected technical challenges, so this one is delayed to 2023-09.
As a reminder, new versions of Squash AUTOM and DEVOPS are delivered monthly (except in August).
Every AUTOM/DEVOPS delivery contains several components having each one its own version number. You can view them in the Release Notes by version.