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Squash AUTOM-DEVOPS 2023-02 is available, with improved support of Katalon, Cypress, Cucumber…

The Squash AUTOM and Squash DEVOPS 2023-02 delivery is available.

It contains improved support for several test technologies:

  • Katalon profiles are now taken into account. It is possible to specify a profile to use with the "KATALON_EXECUTION_PROFILE" environment variable. This profile will be completed with the custom fields and datasets defined in Squash TM and the tests will be run using the resulting fused profile.

  • Cypress projects do not require anymore to be at the root of the Git repository.

  • Some problems with special characters (backslash, asterisk, square brackets…) have been fixed for Robot Framework and Cucumber. These problems were mostly on test names. We continue analyzing the proper support of these characters for other types of data (BDD steps, CUF values…) and we will fix any newly found issue in the next deliveries.

  • The "extra-option" input has been added to the test technologies where it was not yet present: Robot Framework, JUnit, and Cypress. This input allows to specify, in the PEaC file, any parameter on the command line used to launch the tests.

At a more technical level, some enhancements have been done in the orchestrator:

  • Support of verbatim environment variables, these variables are not interpreted by the shell (i.e. no expansion nor substitution is performed). Squash TM 5.0 support this type of environment variables. They should be used when their values can contain special characters (e.g. for the password of the test account used to log to the SUT).

  • The logs have been further cleaned up and they contain more information about the activities of the agents.

  • Some other minor additions are detailed in the release notes.

As a reminder, new versions of Squash AUTOM and DEVOPS are delivered monthly (except in August).

2023-03 will contain further improved support of some test technologies and some orchestrator enhancements.

The work on reducing memory consumption is going on. The technical solution has been chosen and the migration to this one has started. But, as explained in previous news, this change is very impactful and we will still need time to finish migrating and testing the new implementation.

Every AUTOM/DEVOPS delivery contains several components having each one its own version numbers. You can view them in the Release Notes by version.


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