The 1.21 version of Squash has been released in December. Here are all the improvements it includes, in pictures:
✓ Squash public URL configuration:
The Squash callback URL can be configured from the administration section.
✓ Update of the modification date...
... for the requirements, test cases, campaigns, iterations and test suites when their contents are modified by a user. The "Modified on" field of a test case is updated every time a test step is modified.
✓ New "Progress status" field... the "Description" block of an iteration
✓ New " Statistics" block in the "Information" tab of an iteration:
This table allows you to follow the iteration execution progress.
✓ Custom campaign export - extended scope to iterations and suites:
It is possible to customize an export by targeting an iteration or a test suite.
✓ Custom campaign export - execution ID and custom fields export:
You can now export an execution ID or the custom fields of your test steps.
Rest API:
✓ Establishing the order of ITPIs:
Test plan items for campaigns, iterations and test suites are retrieved in the same order they are displayed in Squash.
✓ Permission group management on a project from the API:
Possibility to modify and delete the different permissions from the API.
GIT Connector:
✓ Configuration of the Squash committer's email address ...
...during the transmission to Git.
Active Directory:
✓ Set up of a service account to browse Active Directory
Jira Bugtracker:
✓ Automatic completion of the "Reporter" field:
The "Reporter" field is automatically completed with the login of the connected user.
✓ Leave the fields empty or value them with "None" by default:
When reporting bugs from Squash to Jira, optional and mandatory fields are by default left empty or valued by "None".
✓ Global/Individual Deactivation/Activation of synchronizations:
A button interrupts updates on requirements and reporting fields allowing to disable a synchronization without deleting it. It can be reactivated at any time.
✓ Links to Jira attachments in synchronized requirements:
A link to the attachment(s) of a synchronized issue is available at the end of the requirement description.
✓ As many Xsquash configurations as there are Jira projects:
For each Jira project, you can enable/disable the Xsquash plugin and configure the Squash instance the Jira project is synchronized with.
✓ Tab settings in Jira:
It is possible to rename the "Squash TM test cases" and "Squash TM executions" tabs.
✓ "Squash TM test cases" tab shows last execution status:
A colored dot indicates the last execution status of a test case.
✓ "Squash TM executions" tab shows execution steps comments:
The comments added during test step executions are displayed.
Jira Automation Workflow:
✓ Outsourcing the test automation workflow in Jira:
From now on, it is possible to pass a test case for automation from Squash to Jira. At the same time, if it is a Gherkin test case, it will be transmitted to GitHub.
Transmitted test cases will be displayed as Jira issues. Test-case-related fields will directly be synchronized from Squash to Jira issues. And the issue progress status from Jira will be synchronized into Squash.
From the Jira issue workflow, the automation engineer can report on the progress of their automation work.
As for the functional tester, they will be able to follow the evolution of the automation engineer's work directly on Squash.
Once a test case has been automated, data are forwarded from Jira to Squash. The test case can then be run by clicking on the "Launch Automated Tests" button in the Squash Campaign Workspace.